Archive - 2017

resolutions for next year 2018

Resolutions For Next Year (2018)

Last day of 2017 has arrived. Here it is. Gets me all nervous thinking about what I’ve been through this year, and more importantly, makes me remember my resolutions. And think the resolutions for next year. I remember I started 2017 very confident, having the plan of how I will live my life from that...

why do we eat meat

Why do we eat meat?

I’m not going to be a hypocrite and state that I hate meat, or have never eaten meat. But have you ever wondered: Why do we eat meat? I find it very hard to believe how doctors, philosophers, and people are still arguing what our species should or shouldn’t eat. It’s a constant fight between the food companies that pay the most and the very...


28 things I’ve learnt in 28 years of life

#1 Being nice to people always pays off. It might not seem like a big deal at the moment. It might even seem useless, but a day or a year can pass, and that niceness will come back to you. The thing is, don’t expect that someone to give you something back. Just be genuinely nice, and good things will follow.   #2 Travelling is the best thing I’ve...