Tag - Travel Tips

Jordan Travel Tips: Visiting The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan For First-Time Travellers!

I just got back from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Usually, people refer to it as Jordan (do not confuse it with the famous basketball player, as Google does). I spent eight days and seven nights in this beautiful country, and I want to share with you my insights while I have everything fresh in my memory. Here is some essential information about Jordan...

How to Survive as a Vegan in Paris

How to Survive as a Vegan in Paris

I’m guessing you’re a vegan! Or just really curious about places to eat vegan in Paris. I am a vegan, and lots of my friends ask me what do I eat when I’m travelling. Yes, there are vegan restaurants in Paris!! It’s easy to keep your diet when you are at home and you prepare your meals, but that’s not always an option while travelling...

How To Pack Your Life Into a Suitcase

People sometimes move. They move to pursuit their dream job, their family or their life dream. I would have never guessed I would move abroad, and definitely not alone.  To those of you who have done this, you know this is not an easy job to do and for sure you cannot pack your entire life and just go. After living abroad in two different countries, other...