Tag - Food

spend 2 days in Odessa, Ukraine

2 Days in Odessa, Ukraine: What to See

They said “Don’t go to Ukraine, it could be dangerous” Nonsense. It seemed like one of the most peaceful places in Europe. Why spend 2 days in Odessa? Because probably you need more. Here’s why. It looks remarkably like most seaside cities if you go to the beach, and if you choose to spend your time in the centre of the city, you’ll feel...

why do we eat meat

Why do we eat meat?

I’m not going to be a hypocrite and state that I hate meat, or have never eaten meat. But have you ever wondered: Why do we eat meat? I find it very hard to believe how doctors, philosophers, and people are still arguing what our species should or shouldn’t eat. It’s a constant fight between the food companies that pay the most and the very...

How to Survive as a Vegan in Paris

How to Survive as a Vegan in Paris

I’m guessing you’re a vegan! Or just really curious about places to eat vegan in Paris. I am a vegan, and lots of my friends ask me what do I eat when I’m travelling. Yes, there are vegan restaurants in Paris!! It’s easy to keep your diet when you are at home and you prepare your meals, but that’s not always an option while travelling...