coronavirus crisis pandemic memes to make life in quarantine more bearable

Coronavirus Crisis: Coronavirus memes to make quarantine easier to bear

Unexpectedly, the coronavirus pandemic has made a complete mess of 2020, screwed travel plans, canceled football and schools, left millions without a job and the world is entering a new economic crisis. In spite of all that, we can choose to keep our optimism, and laugh a little. Let’s share some coronavirus memes to make quarantine easier to bear. Who’s with me?!

Since Easter (the largest Christian holiday) is just about to happen, banning people from reuniting with their families is even more hard to do.

And it’s not just Easter. It’s everything we thought to be normal and rightfully ours: holiday trips, jobs, money. Everything. Has. Been. Changed. Because. Of. Coronavirus.

Today I made a selection of all the coronavirus memes I saw. Some are already circulating on social media, while others are new to me. The general joke is that most memes were old and repurposed during the coronavirus pandemic.

Let’s start with Easter.

Iulia Vasile

Iulia is a travel expert, blogger, engineer, freelance copywriter, and a curiosity-driven personality. She sees travel as the ultimate tool for self-improvement and personal growth, and that's the main topic of her blog,

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